Saturday, February 23, 2013

English For Academic Purposes

  English For Academic Purposes
 For any one who would like to raise his or her English up to special advantages, I constantly hope that these notes will help him or her as these notes are my own notes when I attended EAP FCE Course and these notes are priceless for the rest of your life. Everyone can copy my notes and use them to learn English or teach students. 
·                     Hello everybody! Let me point out some data about my qualifications and experience if you would like to know.
·                     I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to present you some data about me.
·                     Please lend me your ears for a few minutes.
·                     I have to confess that I was always dreaming about coming to EAP/ Singapore and being greatest.
·                     I think you must already know that it is a dream of every student.
·                     In Burma, mostly students they would like to raise their talents in educational career by studying abroad. (I am one of them.)